martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Narración y Dramatización - Zog

From our point of view, “ZOG” is a good book for five years old, when they learn English as a second language. Also, illustrations are really useful for four years old. Because, they explain the story really good, so they can follow the book.

The creativity is increase by the dragons.

The plot fosters social and emotional development. At first, the Princess helps to Zog, because he gets damaged, but finally they are friends. As well, children can feel identified with the characters because they are learning how to do things at the school, they have a teacher…too. The end is nice and different from the typical ending, because no one dies.

As the vocabulary is a little bit difficult, we think that telling the story is the best way for the first time, because the adult can change vocabulary and grammar structures in an easier way.

Later, the book can be read. In this time, they can learn rhymes or repeated structures.

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